- 7th Level / 7th Level / 1997
Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
- Sierra On-Line / Sierra On-Line / 1999
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
- Sierra On-Line / Sierra On-Line / 1993
Games: Summer Challenge, The
- MindSpan / Accolade / 1992
Games: Winter Challenge, The
- MindSpan / Accolade / 1991
- MediaMobsters / Whiptail Interactive / 2004
Gangsters 2
- Hothouse Creations / Eidos Interactive / 2001
Gangsters: Organized Crime
- Hothouse Creations / Eidos Interactive / 1998
Gateway 2: Homeworld
- Legend Entertainment / Legend Entertainment / 1993
- Atari Games / Mindscape / 1988
Gearhead Garage: The Virtual Mechanic
- Ratloop / Activision / 2000
Gears of War
- Epic Games / Microsoft Game Studios / 2007
Gender Wars
- The 8th Day / Sales Curve Interactive / 1996
- Bullfrog Productions / Electronic Arts / 1996
Genghis Khan
- Koei / Koei / 1989
Genghis Khan II: Clan of the Gray Wolf
- Koei / Koei / 1993
Get Medieval
- Monolith Productions / Monolith Productions / 1998
Get The Girl
- JAB Software / JAB Software / 1995
- Crystal Dynamics / Microsoft / 1996
Ghost Master
- Sick Puppies / Empire Interactive / 2003
- Activision / Activision / 1986
Giants: Citizen Kabuto
- Planet Moon Studios / nterplay Entertainment / 2000
- Chronic Logic / Chronic Logic / 2004
Global Operations
- Barking Dog Studios / Electronic Arts / 2002
- Coktel Vision / Sierra / 1991
Gobliins 2: The Prince Buffoon
- Coktel Vision / Sierra / 1992
Goblins 3
- Coktel Vision / Sierra / 1993
Godfather: The Game, The
- Electronic Arts Redwood Shores, Headgate Studios / Electronic Arts / 2006
- The Bitmap Brothers / Renegade Software / 1991
Golden Axe
- SEGA / SEGA / 1990
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