Tachyon: The Fringe
- NovaLogic / NovaLogic / 2000
Take No Prisoners
- Raven Software / Red Orb Entertainment / 1997
Tales of the Unknown: Volume I - The Bard's Tale
- Interplay Productions / Electronic Arts / 1987
Tank Wars
- Kenneth Morse / Kenneth Morse / 1990
Tank: The M1A1 Abrams Battle Tank Simulation
- Sphere, Inc. / Spectrum Holobyte / 1989
Team Fortress Classic
- Valve Software / Sierra / 1999
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Konami Digital Entertainment / Konami Digital Entertainment / 2003
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus
- Konami Digital Entertainment / Konami Digital Entertainment / 2004
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game
- Konami / Image Works / 1991
Teenage Queen
- ERE Informatique / ERE Informatique / 1989
- Metropolis Software House / Union Logic Software / 1995
Temple of Elemental Evil: A Classic Greyhawk Adventure, The
- Troika Games / Atari / 2003
Terminal Velocity
- Terminal Reality / 3D Realms / 1995
Terminator 2: Judgement Day
- Synthetic Dimensions / Ocean / 1991
Terminator 2029, The
- Bethesda Softworks / Bethesda Softworks / 1992
Terminator 3: War of the Machines
- Clever's Games / Atari / 2003
Terminator: Future Shock
- Bethesda Softworks / Bethesda Softworks / 1995
Terminator: Rampage, The
- Bethesda Softworks / Bethesda Softworks / 1993
Terminator: Skynet
- Bethesda Softworks / Bethesda Softworks / 1996
Test Drive
- Distinctive Software / Accolade / 1987
Test Drive
- Pitbull Syndicate / Infogrames / 2002
Test Drive 3: The Passion
- Accolade / Accolade / 1990
Test Drive Unlimited
- Eden Games / Atari / 2007
- Tula / 1991
- AcademySoft / 1986
Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain
- Lucasfilm Games / Lucasfilm Games / 1989
Theme Hospital
- Bullfrog / Electronic Arts / 1997
Theme Park
- Bullfrog / Electronic Arts / 1994
Theme Park World
- Bullfrog / Electronic Arts / 1999
- Game Arts / Sierra On-Line / 1987
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