Adventure in Serenia
- On-Line Systems / IBM / 1982
- Cognetics Corporation / Electronic Arts / 1986
Arthur: The Quest for Excalibur
- Infocom / Infocom / 1989
Beyond Zork: The Coconut of Quendor
- Infocom / Infocom / 1987
Borrowed Time
- Interplay Productions / Activision / 1985
Eric the Unready
- Legend Entertainment / Legend Entertainment / 1993
Frederik Pohl's Gateway
- Legend Entertainment / Legend Entertainment / 1992
Gateway 2: Homeworld
- Legend Entertainment / Legend Entertainment / 1993
Golden Oldies: Volume 1 - Computer Software Classics
- The Software Toolworks / Electronic Arts, The Software Toolworks / 1985
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The
- Infocom / Infocom / 1984
Mind Forever Voyaging, A
- Infocom / Infocom / 1985
- Interplay Productions / Activision / 1984
Nine Princes in Amber
- Telarium / Telarium / 1987
- Infocom / Infocom / 1983
Softporn Adventure
- Chuck Benton / On-Line Systems / 1991
Tracer Sanction, The
- Interplay Productions / Activision / 1984
Ulysses and the Golden Fleece
- Sierra On-Line / Sierra On-Line / 1982
Zork: The Great Underground Empire
- Infocom / Infocom / 1982
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